
Maya多边形头发插件 GMH 2.6 Geo Maya Hair Script 含使用教程

Maya多边形头发插件 GMH 2.6 Geo Maya Hair Script | 580MB 含使用教程 插件介绍:

可以在Maya中轻松完成多边形头发的建模的修改,包含官方视频教程(英文字幕)  580MB


  • 发型转多边形或曲线,不但可以保存到 obj,也可以导出到 fbx
  • 增加烘焙功能,把发型纹理直接烘焙进转变后的多边形上


Maya 2011/2012/2013/2014/(咨询特价)

GMH 2.6 For MAYA Geo Maya Hair Script
GMH2 (Geo Maya Hair 2) is a more advanced version of GMH script, specialized in hair modeling & stylizing, developed by Phung Dinh Dzung at Thunder Cloud Studio. User can easily model complex hair styles using traditional polygon modeling method and convert to Maya Hair using GMH2 with 2 simple steps.
latest version 2.6 features include the option to generate polygon hair strips to use for next-gen game, bake hair to textures on polygon planes, a material manager for applying multiple shaders to hair geometry, and the option to export hair in OBJ or FBX format as curves or poly meshes.
Compatible with (32 & 64 bit version): Maya 2015 and on-ward
Script format: Mel.
Primary platform: Window.
note: For Linux and Mac OS, There will be a slightly change in the UI of GMH2 as Maya’sMel for Mac/Linux doesnt support button with Images.
Version 2.6 (13/05/2015)
Converting and baking next-gen polygon hair are now available
Next-gen polygon hair generation
Baking hair to polygon plane’s textures (diffuse, normal and alpha maps)
– Material & UV manager: apply different shaders / texture regions to multi polygon hair polygon surfaces.
Export manager: Export Hair as curves or polygon in Obj or FBX format.
